Sunday Mornings: God’s Garden
We want to see kids grow in knowing Jesus and obeying His Spirit. During the week, your family is exploring 1 chapter in the Bible together (see resources above) and then on Sunday in God’s Garden we build on what you have talked about at home. Click on the links below to learn more about each site’s children’s ministry. All our God’s Garden Volunteers undergo background checks, reference screenings, and safety trainings to ensure your child is safe when you leave them with us. We do not allow anyone in our God’s Garden spaces who is not a fully trained and screened God’s Garden volunteer.
At GCCC, we write our own curriculum which focuses on knowing Jesus and obeying His Spirit. Click here to view our Biblical Scope and Sequence for 2024-2017 .
- Tysons: Marshall High School at 10:30am (Nursery through 5th Grade)
- Arlington: The Westin Hotel in Crystal City at 11am (Nursery through 5th Grade)
For upcoming events for kids and families check out our Events Page

Monday through Saturday: Empowering Parents to Disciple their Children
We believe parents are the primary disciple makers of their kids and we want to partner with you as you do that. While Sunday morning is important, we want to help you have great conversations about Jesus every day of the week.
Join the God Garden Parent’s email list by filling out the information below.