At Great Commission Community Church, we envision reaching the least-reached people groups with the gospel of Jesus Christ here in the DMV region and to the ends of the earth. We seek to accomplish this locally as we prayerfully live out our faith with our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. We have also partnered with local groups who are living out this mission. Globally, we have partnered with Alliance missions and those we have sent to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We believe that all of Jesus for all the world will take all of us. Would you consider joining us in this mission?

Whether you are passionate about missions already or just hearing about it for the first time, a task force is a great first step to take. Join a group of people who are interested in learning and supporting the work and workers of those we have partnered with.

Taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth is something we cannot do alone. That is why it is good to be part of the larger Alliance missions movement. We have the privilege of joining with Alliance workers around the world.

We have partnered with local organizations as we seek to bring about greater realities of God’s Kingdom here in the DMV together.

We desire to see everyone in the world have access to the Gospel. For many people this takes someone being sent to them. If you are beginning to feel God’s call to be sent out, please let us know. We would love to support you as you embark on this new journey.

Would you consider investing what God has given you to help bring Jesus to those who have never heard?