It’s important to teach kids to respond to God’s Word every time they read it. A response can be a question, something that made you smile, or another story in the Bible that this reminds you of. Responding to God’s Word can also be something you do: acting out what you read, building the story out of Legos, or praying about something God said. There are no right or wrong answers, it’s about teaching your children to read God’s Word and respond to Him. Each week we will post new questions and activity ideas to get you started. Don’t feel pressured to get through them all– just pick a few that fit your family and see how they lead to great conversations about who Jesus is!

2 John & 3 John

Response Activities:

  • Marked by Love: Follow these instructions for making these easy origami heart bookmarks. You can use origami paper or construction paper cut into squares. Write “Love one another. 2 John 1:5” on your heart. You can put the heart over a corner of a book page to act as a Bible bookmark. Remember that John said that loving each other is one way the world would know that we are God’s children.  
  • Landing on Love: You’ll need a ping pong ball (or some other small plastic ball), two small paper plates with hearts drawn on them, and about 6 feet of yarn/string for this activity. Sit about 3 feet apart from a parent or sibling on the floor with the two heart plates in between. One person will hold the ends of the yarn, and the other person will hold the middle of the yarn. Working together, use the parallel strings as a track and balancing the ball between the strings, try rolling the ball along the track. Whoever is holding the ends of the yarn, open up the strings when the ball is over a plate. You get one point for every time you land the ball on a heart plate. Set the timer for 5 minutes and see how many points you can get. John said that loving one another was a very important commandment for God’s people.
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