It’s important to teach kids to respond to God’s Word every time they read it. A response can be a question, something that made you smile, or another story in the Bible that this reminds you of. Responding to God’s Word can also be something you do: acting out what you read, building the story out of Legos, or praying about something God said. There are no right or wrong answers, it’s about teaching your children to read God’s Word and respond to Him. Each week we will post new questions and activity ideas to get you started. Don’t feel pressured to get through them all– just pick a few that fit your family and see how they lead to great conversations about who Jesus is!

Ephesians 6

Response Activities:

  • Armor Art: Print out this drawing and pray the prayer next to each section of armor as you color it.
  • Orange Armor: You’ll need two oranges for this experiment and a large clear bowl/container filled with water. Follow these object lesson instructions to demonstrate what it’s like to put on the full armor of God. How is an orange’s peel like armor?
  • Sword Drill: The Word of God (the Bible) is the sword of the Spirit (verse 17). Follow these instructions for having a “sword drill” with your family. What are ways that you can use God’s Word to fight?
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